Site icon Harry Stone Montessori Academy PTA

Field Day help needed!

Parents, Families and Friends of Harry Stone,

Field Day is Monday, June 1 and we need your help to put on a great Field Day for our kids.

Each year, Harry Stone’s PTA helps the school with Field Day by funding the bounce houses – and collecting money, donations, and selling snacks lets us keep that tradition going as well as possibly help the coaches make some equipment buys for next year. Donations, and your time, will help us continue this.

The PTA will have a snack stand again this year with sales of snacks to the kids. Help us with our fund raising by donating food items listed below, or with direct money donations which can be made online (, or via the PTA box in the office. Non-perishable food donations can be brought by the office from today through Friday.

We, and Coach Simon, also would love the gift of some of your time, whether an hour or two, or all day, helping with the PTA stand or with events for Coach Simon. If anyone is willing to help coordinate, please let us know that, too!  Please e-mail if you are interested.

Water coolers and cups will be available to the kids for free. If you would like to help with this, please contact about donations.

Currently we have Kool-Aid pickles, popcorn, and some chips available for sell.  Donations of fruit snacks/rolls, juice pouches/boxes, packs of cheese crackers (Whales, Goldfish, Cheez-Its, etc.), packs of pretzels, packs of animal crackers, etc. for PTA to sell to the students (to help fund next year’s Field Day) would be greatly (and gratefully) appreciated.
The students look forward to this even all school year long.  Please help us make it memorable for them.
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