Who we are
Beginning in 1991, the Texas Legislature initiated legislation requiring each school district in Texas to develop a site-based decision making implementation plan.
What we do
Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM) is a process for decentralizing decisions to improve the educational outcomes at every school campus through the collaborative effort of principals, teachers, campus staff, district staff, parents, and community representatives.
The expected outcome of site-based decision making is improved student performance.
The philosophy underlying site-based decision making is that stakeholders (parents, teachers, staff) will make better decisions and be more dedicated to producing results if they are more involved in the process.
Successful site-based decision making depends on full participation. Parental input and participation is highly valuable.
State and District policies require all schools to have a Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) Committee. This twelve member committee must be composed of 50% parents and community members and 50% staff members reflecting the ethnic diversity of the school. The SBDM Committee is an advisory group striving towards consensus building; there are no majority rule votes on any issues. The mission of this group is to address global issues of concern to all students at the school such as curriculum, budgetary expenditures and the dress code. The committee will not address issues regarding individual staff members.
Getting Involved
If you would like to be considered for participation on this committee, please contact the school principal at 972-794-3400.
It is the school’s intent to have newly selected members in place for the October meeting. Four parents are selected to serve on this committee. There are also 8 subcommittees of SBDM through which to get involved. A monthly newsletter will keep you informed regarding the issues under discussion.
If you’d like to attend any of the meetings they are held every third Thursday from 3:30 – 4:30, we welcome all. I’d like to say thank you all for the great job you do at our school!