Harry Stone
General PTA Meeting
November 13, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Paul Beatty at 6:33
Review of the agenda.
Minutes from the September meeting – Motion to approve. Motion carries. Minutes approved.
Ms. Straley presents the piano students. Holiday music cd for sale. Last year the proceeds went to piano maintenance.
Two students performed Canon in D.
Updates from Ms. Curry: still some bond improvements going on. School is brighter due to lighting and painting. Thanks to parents who pushed – we now have new lockers. Parents can get things done. We need more parent involvement to continue to make improvements. District-wide initiatives – Harry Stone will be focused on doing the right thing for our children. We will still have excellence in our school regardless of initiatives from the board. Destination 2020 goals are in alignment with our goals. Our students will graduate on time and with honors. Our goals exceed the districts’. HS offers courses for high school credit. High schools need to be prepared to accept our students (above the bar). HS will not rest until our students are where they need to be. We cannot reach our goals without effective teachers. Thanks to the parents who encourage our staff. The IB program will take our curriculum deeper. It will not be in isolation. On Jan 22 there will be an IB training for teachers and interested parents from 8-4. Please let the office know if you will be coming. 5th graders and below will be eligible for IB at HS. Do not worry about the changes coming down. Our teachers are fine. Waiting for decision on extra 45 minutes/day for teachers. May have to make slight adjustments to scheduling.
Email or call Ms. Curry with any question.
Ms. Crabtree presents the advanced acting class (7th and 8th graders). Selections from Shakespeare. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever being performed in December.
Mr. Beatty thanked the parents and members for all you do. The teachers need to hear thanks from the parents.
Jalonda Davis gave membership update. Our membership is close to 150. We earned an early bird award and are in the running for an award for most increased membership. Congrats to Ms. Wright’s class for having the most members. Please join PTA if you have not already.
Upcoming events at HS. Daddy/Daughter dance Feb. 22. Family Fun Night March 29. Emails and notifications will be sent. Dance is for all girls in all grades. Close relatives may be invited. Everyone invited to Family Fun Night.
Updates: go to website. Great information there.
Meeting adjourned at 7:16.