Author Archives: Jeremy Bennett

More student foreign travel options!

We have added a Spanish language trip to Puerto Rico for June 2020! Mrs. Esnault is leading this trip as well. Explorica is the organization that’s making all of the arrangements. But we need families to sign up soon. We get a lot of interest in our foreign travel destinations, but when it’s time to sign up we can’t get the requisite number of families to actually sign up. So please encourage everyone you know who has a Spanish or French student to register for our 2020 trips. Quebec City 2020 is ONE family shy of the minimum necessary for the trip to happen. ONE MORE STUDENT, or the other students will have their trips cancelled. Let’s make this happen!

Information and sign-up for the Puerto Rico trip is here:

Quebec City is here sign-up instructions are here:
How to Register

 Your Tour Number is Q3N200315H
 Your Password is Quebec203
 Go to
 Click on “My Tour” located in the website menu
 Enter your Tour Number in the search box, and press “enter” to start the search
 Click on your Tour Number or on “Continue Reading” when it appears
 Enter your password
 You will have access to tour details and registration
 Please read through everything before registering.

Quebec City, Quebec 2020

Greetings, HSMA PTA!

We are excited to say that we already have students signing up for the PTA-Sponsored trip to Quebec City. As a reminder, the trip will be in March of 2020 – over Spring Break. Also, the trip is only for French students, as Quebec City is the capital city of the French-speaking province of Quebec. Attached is the itinerary for the trip. You will find all information that you could need on this itinerary, including a link to register your French student for the trip on page 3 of the itinerary. This is a wonderful city, and many Stone students have been able to experience French language and culture in its very Canadian version. Contact PTA member Dominque Esnault if you have further questions at