Hello Parents!
It’s time for the Daddy Daughter Dance, Friday Feb. 22. All age girls and their fathers/grandfathers are welcome. This flyer will also be in this week’s Thursday folder (1/31/13). You can send your money and this flyer to the school to purchase tickets or order them online here.
Dinner and dessert is included in the price of the ticket.
We will be needing volunteers for the following areas:
Decorations (3-4 volunteers)
Set up (3-4 volunteers)
Pictures (2-3 volunteers) (Pictures will be taken and sold for $5 each,
so remember to bring some cash to the event!)
Serving Dinner (8 volunteers)
Tear down (3-4 volunteers)
Let me know if you’d like to help!
Thank you,
Elizabeth Cummings
Harry Stone PTA, VP Fundraising